Customer Story


Customers of Itris are able to test with production-like data

How Itris supports housing corporations to comply with legislation through anonymization

Itris provides ViewPoint, a modern, fully web-based ERP system that offers integrated standard functionality in the areas of Property, Customer, Finance, Portals, and Office. ViewPoint is the standard for housing associations, from small to large. The ERP system is easily accessible via the Private Cloud. The tenant is always placed at the center.

Within housing associations, personal data is processed on a large scale for primary processes. Housing associations have the role of data controller in the collaboration, and Itris acts as the data processor. In this collaboration, Itris ensures that the processing of personal data can take place without risks.

To ensure that housing associations don’t need to test with production data or conduct training sessions with production data, Itris provides acceptance environments with anonymized data. The result is an environment with current and representative data usable for the housing association. Anonymizing data is specialized work, which is why Itris has partnered with Privinity. Through this collaboration, Itris ensures continuous and optimal service delivery while safeguarding the personal data of tenants, applicants, and employees. Individuals whose data is processed can trust that it’s done for the primary processes of housing associations. The goal is to automate the process as much as possible.

Itris conducts anonymization within the customer’s acceptance environment, ensuring the data never leaves the customer’s secure environment. Itris incorporates the use of Privinity’s software into its development processes. Each project executed in the R&D department assesses the impact of processing personal data. Wherever impact occurs, adjustments to the anonymization data configuration can be immediately evaluated. Thus, with each new release of ViewPoint, Itris can provide necessary updates to the anonymization service. Customers can therefore rely on optimal protection of sensitive data with each new ViewPoint release when working in their acceptance environment.

With this service, Itris facilitates its customers in anonymizing data to comply with GDPR. Housing associations work with anonymized data and are able to demonstrate compliance with laws and regulations using the results and stored log files. When necessary, this also helps housing associations demonstrate measures for certain certifications, such as ISO 27001/2 and the Baseline Information Security Corporations (BIC) based on it.

Itris chose to partner with Privinity due to its continuous development and improvement of its product, as well as the level of flexibility in the partnership. Future developments can be optimally aligned.

Would you like to perform production-like testing with anonymized data, just like Itris?